Why Us

Why us

Every defendant must be allowed access to a lawyer of his choosing at every stage of a criminal proceeding. Law enforcement failing to inform the accused of this right or deliberately obstructing its exercise must face consequences while statements obtained under such circumstances should be deemed inadmissible. If the accused cannot afford to hire a lawyer legal aid must be granted to guarantee a fair representation of his interests.

Furthermore, some accused persons are at a natural disadvantage when it comes to asserting their interests and adequately defending themselves. A blind person cannot read the charges against him, a foreigner may not be able to communicate with the authorities and a mentally disabled person will require extra help to understand what is happening during a criminal trial.

In these circumstances law enforcement authorities and courts have a duty to assist the accused person in any way possible to restore his autonomy regardless of financial means. Thus, a foreigner has a right to an interpreter and a hearing-impaired person must be equipped with a hearing aid or a sign language interpreter.

This is a necessary precondition for a fair trial which does not condemn the accused to the role of a passive observer unable to fend for himself.

Our license lawyer who speak English as well as other language paralegal from bailswork wil work closely and face the problem to get bail as fast as possible.
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